Delivering Boxes of Christmas Fun!

AnyVan, Marketing Models

New Box Toy designs to keep kids entertained for free this Christmas!

As part of a Christmas Social media campaign, moving company AnyVan have launched a series of ‘box toys’ that can be easily constructed from leftover moving boxes, in an endeavor to keep children entertained and get creative during the festive period.

Designworks were asked to create the toy vehicles (an ‘Airbox A380’, the ‘HMS All A-Board’ & …the ‘Boxster’) made of leftover Anyvan moving boxes. Jumping at the chance, the Designworks team set about designing and model making the three vehicles.

The three initial models were made to be robust enough to survive a photoshoot, featuring adjustable shoulder straps so they could be worn and played with on set!

Once each design was constructed we were able to produce DIY instructions so people could make their own versions at home!

Visit the links below if you would like to fashion some box toys for yourself this Christmas!


Case study - Big Jim


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